How Brands Can Guarantee Brand Safety With Influencer Marketing.

influnique influencer brand safety
At Influnique we embrace this demand for greater supervision and transparency with how advertisers are working with their brands. The social media channel has always been close to the heart of a brand, but has always presented a resourcing issue when discovering and leveraging the infinite number of brand champions across the multitude of social platforms.

As with any other industry, the digital industry is subject to some form of regulation. Whereas other industries have had time on their side and leveraged history to gradually formulate guiding principles that has allowed these industries to evolve and adapt in accordance within the context of time. In opposition, digital has experienced rapid growth that has presented a challenge in the face of rapid growth an and developments in technologies. Traditional frameworks of regulation have struggled to keep up with the industry and the way in which consumers are marketed to. This also presents a risk to advertisers as this lack of agility in the marketplace could create arbitrary and onerous regulation which stymies this channel to market.  

So, in the face of this inertia, how are digital marketing leaders reacting and taking action to protect their brands in this ever changing marketplace? According to a new study conducted by streaming video advertising platform Teads,  6 out of 10 CMO’s in the US surveyed conceded they they have increased spending in channels which they can be unequivocally be certain are brand safe. What’s more is as many respondents have undergone agency reviews and audited their relationships with suppliers demanding even greater transparency. Within this cohort a smaller number (4 in 10) of CMO’s took a more drastic approach and are now having a direct involvement of how their digital marketing strategies’ are executed. Having a more direct role in their digital activity wasn’t the only fallout from these uncertainties and lack of industry regulation. Approximately 30% of these same CMO’s reduced their spend and or shunned channels which couldn’t guarantee brand safety.

While this may discourage agencies and traditional media suppliers, here at Influnique we embrace this demand for greater supervision and transparency with how advertisers are working with their brands. The social media channel has always been close to the heart of a brand, but has always presented a resourcing issue when discovering and leveraging the infinite number of brand champions across the multitude of social platforms. Influnique’s platform and proprietary technology allows for advertisers’ peace of mind in that they have complete control and management of their social campaigns across all major social platforms, simultaneously. They can use our discovery tool to identify and vet each influencer and their audiences appropriate to a specific campaign. Our management platform can be utilised to monitor the real-time impact for a campaign. This allows for the determination of how the brand is perceived in each market or even globally. Influnique allows influencer marketing to become an unambiguously safe digital channel in a convoluted and shifting industry.

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influnique influencer brand safety

How Brands Can Guarantee Brand Safety With Influencer Marketing.

At Influnique we embrace this demand for greater supervision and transparency with how advertisers are working with their brands. The social media channel has always been close to the heart of a brand, but has always presented a resourcing issue when discovering and leveraging the infinite number of brand champions across the multitude of social platforms.

influnique social media

Social media and its impact on communication.

This may seem very ironic, but most people seem to conform to this way of living without giving it a second thought. One might argue that it simply is because it is socially acceptable, but studies have shown that digital interaction in fact is easier than meeting people face to face and … requires less brain power.

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